Flame Photometer Model:QDMH-6400A
QDMH-6400A is widely used in medicines and hygiene. Clinical examlnatl0n and pathological study. Analysis 0f agricultural fertilizer and soil. Analysis and determlnatl0n for petrochemical and metallurgical products, test in medicines production and examinatl0n 0f foodstuff. Als0 for analysis and measurement of cement, glass, ceramics and refractory feature.
- measurementof k na atthe sametime. Soasto suitable for clinical biochemical examinatl0n and quality control, beng available for dire ct reading and measurement of cement glass ceramics and refractory material
- reliable in jgnition. Provided with special ignit jon gas circuit
- easy tooperate. Quick in analysis little in sample
- taking lp gas as fuel convenient in use
- high sensitivity. Nice stability and f1ne reproduciblily
Speci fication
Stability: Contlnuous feeding 0f same samplen 15 seconds pointer d rift≤ ≤2%
Repeatability: Repeated measurement 0f same sample up to 7 times. Pointer reading difference≤ 2.5%
Unear accuracy: K 0.02 0.07mmol/l≤ 5%
Na 1.1 1.6mmol/l≤ 5%
QDMH-6400A is widely used in medicines and hygiene. Clinical examlnatl0n and pathological study. Analysis 0f agricultural fertilizer and soil. Analysis and determlnatl0n for petrochemical and metallurgical products, test in medicines production and examinatl0n 0f foodstuff. Als0 for analysis and measurement of cement, glass, ceramics and refractory feature.
- measurementof k na atthe sametime. Soasto suitable for clinical biochemical examinatl0n and quality control, beng available for dire ct reading and measurement of cement glass ceramics and refractory material
- reliable in jgnition. Provided with special ignit jon gas circuit
- easy tooperate. Quick in analysis little in sample
- taking lp gas as fuel convenient in use
- high sensitivity. Nice stability and f1ne reproduciblily
Speci fication
Stability: Contlnuous feeding 0f same samplen 15 seconds pointer d rift≤ ≤2%
Repeatability: Repeated measurement 0f same sample up to 7 times. Pointer reading difference≤ 2.5%
Unear accuracy: K 0.02 0.07mmol/l≤ 5%
Na 1.1 1.6mmol/l≤ 5%